Monday, March 26, 2012

Dear Blog..

Both this week week and the week before have been pretty stressful but I'm glad to say that everything turned out how it did.  My husbands surgery went faster than expected and although his condition turned out to be worse this time around, his doctor was able to take care of everything quickly.  So praise God that my love is at home and is recovering.  I really don't know what more to say but that God is good and that I'm super thankful that he's been taking care of us the way that he has.

Being without the grace of God is a lonely place that I once found myself and I don't plan to go back there ever again.  I tried and tried to live my life for myself but it OBVIOUSLY was just NOT working for me at all so after months and months of frustration I finally just gave everything up to God and decided right then and there that I was going to do everything that I could to please him.  And not long after I made that choice for my life so many awesome things have happened for us, praise God!

And it's not even about the rewards that I get for being obedient to him but the simple fact of being one with him.  That's the sweetest feeling ever to know that God is pleased with everything that you're doing in your life. 

I really don't know why I decided to write that but I guess it needed to be said somewhere lol.

When it comes to my creations I'm still working on several blankets and will gladly show you the finished products once they are done.  Well I have to braid up my hair and clear off the bed so the husband and I can finally have movie night:-> 

Be Blessed & Be Inspired.

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