Thursday, October 9, 2014

Oh How It's Been A While! Knitting & Crocheting Update!!!

Well hello there!  I know that it's been a pretty long time since I've been here but life has been pretty busy lately.  I tend to update my youtube a lot more frequently than my blog so if you want more of an update be sure to check my youtube channel out.

So to sum a VERY LONG story up in a sentence, we made a VERY long move back in August which explains why I haven't been here and by the grace of God we made it to where we are safely.

But enough of that!  I wanted to write to you today to share a few pictures with you of my latest projects that I completed within the last couple of weeks.  Both patterns I used were found on and were completely free.

So the first baby blanket that I finished late last month is called Shadow Cables and I found it at this site

I would have finished this project back in July but due to us having to move my knitting time was almost non existent. 

And my crochet project that I  finished this morning for baby is the granny square blanket and I also found the instructions at this link

Now this is one project that I VERY proud of because if you know me then you know that I usually don't have the patience to due multiple granny squares for one project and lead alone piece them together but I did!  If you're on the extra details of what I did, and what i plan to dofor this afghan, is found here at this link

Well I need to sign off here but I plan on making a video to share more info on this project so be blessed!

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