Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wedding Bliss..

Good morning to everyone who is reading!  Both my husband and I were blessed to attend a good family friend's wedding ceremony and a little bit of their reception and I must say that everything was just precious.  As the day carried on I was almost forced to remember the very week and even the actual day of our own wedding and I couldn't help but smile at the thoughts.  At the time of our preparations everything seemed overwhelming and stressful, but with God on our side the storm(literally a storm by the way)  had calmed long enough for our wedding and reception and, of course not long after everyone was inside and going to bed the rain started back up.  I remember all of our family and friends being there with us to celebrate our lives joining together, all the great food everyone brought to make our dinner that much more awesome, the awesome photographers that were there to capture every awesome moment of the day.

I remember my little baby girl being fussy because of EVERYTHING that was going on but despite that she looked BEAUTIFUL.  I remember having a moment  while prepping for the ceremony and the moment before walking down the aisle realizing that that church was the very church that both my husband and I grew up in and now we were all grown up and getting married!  I remember having a moment of COMPLETE panic until I saw my husbands face for the first time before walking down the aisle then becoming the most calm I had ever been in my whole entire life then the tears began then turned into laughter that was almost unstoppable after looking at my husband make funny faces at me while walking towards him just so we both wouldn't cry.  

I can recall the wonderful feeling of knowing that our very own pastor was marrying us.  There are so much more memories that I was forced to remember after yesterdays events and it was a sweet time to remember our beautiful day and be apart of an equally awesome day for our friends.  I know that they will have a blessed marriage and I just can't wait to see where God takes them from here.

Well I just felt like writing that because this has been on my heart for a little while now.  Well now it's time for us to get ready for church so please Be Blessed & Be Inspired.  Happy Sunday everyone!!

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