Monday, May 15, 2017

What My 4C Natural Hair Looks Like TWO YEARS After Transitioning From My Color Damage!!!!

Well hello!!  I cannot believe that it's been two years already since I decided to do something about my color damage hair.  It hasn't been an easy two years to get my hair back to a healthy place, but the journey was well worth it because I was able to learn so much about myself and my hair.

The main things that I did that helped me hair heal and grow was that I stopped coloring my hair, I became committed to keeping a healthy and consistent hair regimen that worked for me, and protective styling became my very best friend!!

I don't want to make this post too long but I do want to share a few photos that  I took over the past two years just to help myself keep track of my progress.

The top two pictures were taken a few months after I used boxed dye for the first time.  My hair was on the dryer side but I didn't see any signs of color damage yet.

These two pictures were taken about a month or two after I colored my hair for the second time which was August of 2015.  I loved the volume of hair that I had but I noticed that my hair was extremely dry and brittle.  :-(

The next two pictures were taken sometime in October of 2015 I believe.  This was about a month after I discovered that I had color damage and I then decided that I was going to start transitioning from my color damage, versus choosing to cut everything off to start from scratch.

This picture was taken a little over a year ago (May 2016) and in this picture you can see just how much my hair had grown.  Little did I know that I would cut most of the color off two months later!!

This was in the beginning of July of 2016 when I was still trying to get an install that I was happy with together!  I had cut a lot of my color off by now but I wasn't quite done yet!

 The next two pictures were taken on July 15, 2016.  By now the majority of my color ends had been cut off which made both me and my hair feel fabulous!

 And these last two pictures were taken yesterday May 14, 2017!  I still have less than an inch of color towards the front section of my hair, but other than that the rest of my hair is color free!!  This year is going to be a year of rest and restoration for my hair and for that I'm excited to see what more my hair journey holds for me!!

Cheers to healthy hair!!!!

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