This was the very first time that I was able to get my low pony tail layed like this without having to blow dry or press my hair It took a lot of product and time but my hair turned out cute!
After going through recent photos that I had taken to showcase my 4C natural hair goodness I just HAD to write a quick post to share some snap shots that I took, and I wanted to write about the progress my hair has been making when it comes to the breakage that my hair had suffered a few months back.
These photos were taken earlier today and I'm happy to share that, even though my edges all around my hair are super short, my hair and scalp are making wonderful progress! I even used to have a thin rounded spot towards the middle of my scalp and that's grown back in as well!
About two or so months ago I shared that I had experienced pretty bad breakage towards the front and back edges of my hair and towards the top section of my hair. This was very devastating for me because I had spent so much time, patience and money on making sure that my hair was growing to be everything that it could be, so for it to break on me was almost like a big slap in the face. Luckily I quickly took action the moment I noticed my breakage and switched things around in my regiment and products to make sure that my hair and scalp could get itself together!
The trick that has helped my hair to grow back in a healthy manner has been to KEEP MY HAIR CARE SIMPLE. I wash and condition my hair at least twice a week now and I use a whole bunch of coconut oil, thick creamy moisturizers, Blue Magic, Eco Style Gel and edge control every time I style my hair. Every style that I have been doing for the past three weeks have been protective styles and they've ranged from low pony tails to pinned up twist. That's it! I don't do different rinses or methods, and I stay away from attempting twist outs and braid outs. I am well aware that this practice isn't necessarily needed to make everyone's natural hair growth a success but it's been working pretty well for me.
And another thing! Silicons and sulfates are my friends again and I have missed them greatly! I did the whole trying to use all natural products thing and it's simply too costly for me to continue to do so for myself, so I'm back to using my faithful Herbal & Essence :-D You'll be seeing me write about a few other low cost products that I've brought back in my regimen so be on the watch for that post!
Anyways, that's what's new with this 4C gal here:-D