My Slouchie.
Chain 63.
Row1) dc in third chain from hook and all the way across,ch2 and turn (61 dc).
Row2) Fpdc in first dc, *bpdc in next dc, fpdc in the next dc* repeat from * all the way across, ch2 and turn.
Row3) Bpdc in first dc, *fpdc in the next dc, bpdc in the next dc* repeat from * all the way across, ch 2 turn.
Row4) Repeat row #2
Row5) Dc across, ch2 and turn.
Row6) Dc in first dc, *sc in next st, dc in next st, repeat from * across, ch 1 and turn,
Row7) Sc in first dc,* dc in sc, sc in next dc* repeat from *across ch2 and turn,
Row8) Repeat row #5
Row9) Repeat row #5
Row10) Repeat row #5
Rows ll and on repeat rows 6 -10 to form pattern. End project after you complete row #23 then bind off.
Check this out to get an idea on how I sewed my hat together:
Pick the side of your work that's going to be side A and fold it into itself that way side A is facing itself within the fold. Whip stitch from the brim of the hat( your fpdc and bpdc rows) up to the very top.
I'll post pictures and a video of my finished product so you may see what I did.