Monday, December 30, 2013

Yay Estelle Is Finished!!

Estelle by Melissa Leapman

Well good evening/morning blog readers!  It's been a crazy couple of weeks but I was able to get this one afghan done within all the havoc.  As you can see above the name of this pattern is called Estelle and I found the pattern in the book that's pictured above.  The pattern is super simple to follow and work with and especially if you're in a hurry to get a baby gift done on time. 

I do plan on knitting my way through this book so since this first afghan is done I'm going to start the second one tonight.  One might as why I'm in such a hurry to start another afghan and the answer to that is I'm due to attend a baby shower within a little over a week from now so my gift needs to be completed NOW. 

Well I need to pick another pattern to work on for my next project and I need to finish up some chores around here before I head off to bed so be blessed and I'll be back later!!!  Night nightt!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A New Addition To My Natural Hair Care Regiment: Tea Tree Oil!!!

Good evening readers!  Sorry that I haven't been writing to ya'll as much as I would have liked but this past month has been pretty hectic but I'm happy to share this quick hair update you!!  Both items in this video was purchased by myself from Walgreens:-)  Gotta run so be blessed and I'll be back to update you on my knitting and other random stuff later!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Soda Military Boots Product Review!!!!

Knitting Update!!!

Here's an update of what my project is looking like:-)  The name of this pattern is called Estelle from the Leisure Arts book called Our Best Knit Baby Afghans book 2.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Latest Project.

Good evening!   I can't talk long but I did want to update you on what I'm knitting at the moment. 
I can't remember what book this is from but I do know that it's from the Leisure Arts collection and the name of this pattern is called Estelle.  This is my first time working with circular knitting needles so this project is pretty interesting so far.  Well I have a lot of knitting to get done, especially since this needs to be done in a couple of days so be blessed and have a wonderful evening!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Good afternoon everyone!  I just wanted to take a few moments to wish all my fellow December 9th birthday ladies and gents and wonderful birthday today! Be blessed and I'll be back with more vids soon!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Reshma Henna Results On My 4C Natural Hair!!!! Pictures included!!!!!!

Homemade Ornaments With The Kids On A Rainy Day!

Today really is a good day because it's RAINING!  Yes I'm a little too excited about the rain today but I can't help it because we hardly get enough rain where I'm at.

Anyhoo we brought home our first REAL tree in over a decade yesterday and have been working on decorating it ever since.  The story behind our tree is while on our way to church we saw a big sign that read, "ANY SIZE CHRISTMAS TREE FOR $25", so we didn't waste much time going back there to check out what they would have.  Of course once we got in there we soon realized that the sign wasn't exactly truthful, because the trees were in fact priced differently, but we were able to find a tree that we liked in our $25 area:-)  Once we got home and got our tree situated we weren't expecting for our tree to be thick in the least bit but once we opend the tree we realized that we had won the jackpot!  The tree is beautful, tall and rather thick which means that we have to get more ornaments that what we currently have.  That's when the title of this blog comes in.

Shopping last night for several different tree decorations was a lot of fun but due to the weather today that kind had me stuck at home to wait out the rain, but I didn't want to waste such a great afternoon and time with my kids so I decided to make homemade ornaments with the kids and the project actually turned out to be a success.  We didn't do the typical Christmas themed ornaments but we just desinged, colored and cut whatever we wanted and it turned out to be a lot of fun:-)  Between the LaLa Loopsy cut outs, hearts and circular hand made cutouts that we made our tree is looking better and better by the minute:-)  And I'm looking forward to seeing what my mom and husband will add on to the tree to make it complete!

Pictures of some of our projects will be up soon but I just wanted to write to you guys to encourage you to try to do a fun small project with your family this year, because it will help bring ya'll even closer this holiday season.  Be Blessed!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's A Good Morning To Be Thankful!!

Good morning readers!!  So I wasn't able to really do a lot of writing over the Thanksgiving weekend so I want to take a little while to share with you a few things that I'm thankful for.  It can be pretty disappointing at times when I see how a lot of people, including myself sometimes, don't take enough time to just back and thank God for what he's blessed us all with and this past holiday was a big reminder that we ought to do so on a more regular basis.  Here we go!

#1- I'm thankful that I'm saved.  Whether you believe in God or not is between you and God but I personally know that without God I wouldn't even be here to write to you today.  Just thinking about all the WRONG I've done in my life makes me shake my head but I'm then brought right back into my thankfulness when I remember the Salvation that my Lord has given me so for that I"m VERY thankful.

#2-I'm thankful for my parents, especially my mommy.  When growing up I didn't have the worse upbringing but it wasn't the best one either, and it took me to hear other childrens horror stories to realize that although my life wasn't the greatest to be had, I was still blessed.

Now let me take a few moments to share with you my thankfulness to my mom.  Besides the Lord, my mom has been my rock, cheerleader, provider, best friend, doctor, and partner in crime.  I love this woman so much because through everything we have gone through together she's never failded to love and support me.  I can only hope to be as great of a mom as she was and for her I'm EXTREMELY  thankful.  I'm going to move on to number three before I start crying now!

#3- I am very very thankful for my husband and let me tell you why.  (Lol) So for those of you who don't know I became a teen mom and opted out of a very unhealthy relationship soon after, so the LAST thing that I wanted to think about was get into another relationship.  As a matter of fact I remember telling my best (SHOUT OUT TO KT!!!) that I wasn't going to get married until I was 40 and if I didn't then the married life was just not for me. And I was completely okay with that because with a baby to raise and care for I didn't want to deal with any more craziness or foolishness.  And then I met my husband:-D  We didn't start dating right off the bat but became friends, then good friends, then REALLY good friends and then we decided to date and not long after that was married.  He isn't perfect but he's an amazing man and father and I can't even begin to think of us without him

#4-I'm thankful for my kiddos:-)  I love my kids, I love my kids I LOVE my kids:-)  I certainly wasn't expecting to have three kids by now but they have done nothing but bring me laughter and joy to my heart.  Don't get it twisted though because they definitely are three handfuls to handle but I love them an can't imagine myself without them.  Life just would not be the same.  I'm also thankful for the love and interest that they have in God learning more and more about him.  My two girls LOVE to sing praise and worship songs, while my son practices in drumming and preaching abilities every chance that he gets!  Thank you Lord! 

#5- I'm thankful for all our health.  I can go on and on about that but I won't.  I'm just THANKFUL ABOUT THAT TRUST ME.

#6 -I'm thankful for my church family.  This made it to my top 7 list because for the first 19 almost 20 years of my life I had gone to my previous home church and felt at home there for the most part.  One Sunday my husband and I decided to take  a Sunday off from our church to support a Pastor that we had grown to love and wanted to support because she was holding her very first service in her church for the very FIRST time.  Despite us being an hour late out the door we made it to hear the service and after that first service we knew that this church was where we were lead to be.  This church family has been nothing but loving and welcoming to our family and for that I appreciate them tremendously.  And my Pastor Liz.  I don't think sh realizes just how big of a blessing she's been to us but I'm thankful for her and I pray that God continues to bless her and her ministry!

#7-I'm thankful for my family!  You know how sometimes people don't realize how good they have it until they loose, let go or walk away from that good thing?  Well that's exactly how I felt earlier this year.  I loved my family with all my heart but I really didn't understand how blessed and amazing we were until I took time away from them.  With them I know that no matter what happens in life, whether it be good or bad, or pretty or ugly, I know that my family will have our back no matter what.  I know that no matter the situation no material thing will get in the way of our loyalty to one another and everyone doesn't have that in their family unit.  So for them I'm endlessly thankful.

So I mean I could write on and on and that probably wouldn't be enough to tell you just how THANKFUL I am.  I didn't even get to write my number 8 which is that I'm thankful for all our service men and women who have sacrificed their lives, time, family,  and freedom to protect and support this country.  Sorry I had to get that one in there.  My husband was a Navy, my cousin is in the Army and I have other cousins and uncles who are serving or who have served so I have a special place in my heart for our Service People.

Anyways I wrote all this to say that it's important that we take time to be thankful for all the things that we have in our lives, and even if we don't have everything that we want right now still continue to be thankful because life could always be worse.  Thank you Lord!

Be blessed you guys!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Patch Work On A Pair Of Jeans For Beginners!!!!

Hey readers how are you doing today?  I just recorded this video yesterday evening so I hope you enjoy!  The final pictures of my daughters jeans will be up soon!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

My First Quilt Update!! Sewing All My Squares Together.

My First Quilt Update!!

Good morning blog it's a pleasure to be back to you write more about my first quilting project.  So I just finished sewing all 81 squares together so now I plan on going to the crafting store to get some batting and more material to attach to the back of the quilt.  So far my son LOVES his blanket and he can't get enough of it.  The hardest part of the project to me at the moment has to be cutting all the squares out because sewing everything together with moms sewing machine was pretty simple.
This is me practicing my quilting on a scrap piece of materiel


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Updates: How My Hair Is Doing After My Henna Experiment & The Latest On My First Quilt!!!

Good evening readers!  It's been a great day and I'm feeling quite swell that I'm back to write to you before I head off to bed.  The reason why I wanted to take the time to write to you is because I wanted to update you on how my hair is doing these days and I also wanted to give you guys an update on my son's quilt.

How is my hair doing right now?  Well it's doing quite well at the moment.  I noticed earlier this morning before I left for church that my hair was SUPER which REALLY worried me so I took my hair down from my flat twist like I had planned and then pinned it up in a cute protective style for the day.  A couple of hours after I got home and once I was relaxed and not in a huge rush, I slowly began to take down my hair from my pins and started to apply some of my VO5 moisturizing conditioner, a Giovanni conditioner that I plan on reviewing on my youtube channel within the next couple of days, and Castor Oil all over my hair and scalp.  A plastic bag was then placed over my hair for close to half and hour and then I proceeded to rinse my hair out in the shower.  I didn't shampoo but just rinsed the conditioners out.

Once I was out of the shower I applied some of the Giovanni conditioner, shea moisture reconstructive conditioner and castor oil  back into my hair.  Then I twisted my hair in two strand twist and dusted (clipped) my ends, so after doing all of that my hair definitely feels  A LOT better today.  I'm thinking that the strengthening deep conditioner right after my henna treatment was a bit much for my hair but I must say that my hair does feel A LOT stronger now so that's a plus!

Now on to my quilting!!  You have no idea as to how excited I truly am to be quilting now and to be quilting for my children is such a joy.  It really really is:-)  Well I just about cut up all the fabric that I could, which is close to six yards, and I plan on going back to the fabric store on Friday to pick up some more fabric and other stuff so I can finish up this quilt and wrap it up for Christmas. I didn't wash my fabric before I got started because I NEVER wash my fabric before starting a sewing project and nothing bad has ever come out of that.  Now I'm not saying that other people should follow what I do, but I'm just being honest with you with what I'm doing on my end.

Well I really didn't think that I was going to be writing this much but I did so praise the Lord:-)  On a serious note I'm pretty sleepy so I'm going to sign off here so be blessed and I will be back soon.  Night night!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Start At Quilting!!!!!

Some of the fabric that I measured and cut out.  I have a long way to go but the progress is pretty sweet.

Friday, November 22, 2013

What I've Decided: Getting Ready For My First Quilt.

So after a lot of thought and searching pinterest for countless ideas, I've decided to do a rag quilt as my first quilting project because it looks like the project will be fun and I know that the outcome of my work will be enjoyable for the kids.  I'm going to the fabric store tomorrow and I will be back to share with you what fabrics I chose to get!  Night night and be blessed!!!!

Reshma Henna Dye Experiment Success!

So I just finished dying and deep conditioning my hair today with Reshma Henna this morning and I'm very happy for the results.

Reshma Henna Results On My 4C Natural Hair!!!! Pictures included!!!!!!

My Reshma Henna Experiment Part 2!

Good morning readers and how are you doing this lovely Friday morning?  Well this morning is the first morning that I have woken up to a henna mixture on my hair, under two plastic bags and a scarf. 

So what do I think so far?  Well this mixture is definitely stinky and I'm very happy that I applied this before I went to bed instead of this morning because I would not have liked to walk around with all this on my head out and about.  When it comes to how I did over night I feel like I survived it pretty well because I was suspecting to be VERY irritated with this stuff on my head while trying to sleep , but it wasn't all that bad.  It wasn't a GREAT feeling but again it wasn't bad.

So when am I rinsing this goop out of my hair?  Well I actually plan to do so once I get back home later on this morning so I'll be back to let you know what I think.

When it comes to applying it to my hair, after reading and hear countless people exagerate that it's super messy to deal with while putting it on the hair I was suspecting the worst.  I didn't lay down any news papers or towls and I only had ONE small casualty with the door but I was able to remove the henna right away so that was great.  As long as you are careful while your applying the henna to your hair you shouldn't have any problems but please if you feel like you need to put news papers and towls down to protect your bathroom then you do what you feel you need to do.  Well I gotta go so be blessed!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I love It When I Find A Good Deal.

God is good.
Be Blessed!

Heirloom Ruffles/Crochet Along Update.

Hey there I just wanted to share with ya'll that I'm very close to being done with my CROCHET ALONG project.  I have three more rows of the border to finish and then I'm going to add in some ribbon.  I wanted to add in dark brown ribbon but I have white on hand so that's most likely going to have to do. 

My quilting adventures will be shared with you on here so get prepared for some quilting pictures!  I'm just so excited about trying something new with sewing I almost can't stand it, but anyhow it's late.  Night night and be blessed!

Why Mom??? I Feel Cheated.

I just found out this very morning that my momma and her momma used to quilt all the time. How do I feel about that?  I feel CHEATED that's how I feel.  Lol for a while now I've been having this desire to quilt and I really didn't think to investigate why but now I know the true reason why.  It's in my blood to quilt, but why on earth didn't my momma ever try to teach me to quilt a LONG time ago??  I'm pretty sure that she'll say that I never asked her and that she most likely thought that I wouldn't hold any interest in it.  SO I plan on going to the crafting store down the way to see  what all I would need to start my quilting adventure.    I already have my hands on some easy dress patterns for myself and the girls but I don't want to start that until the ending of the winter.  I would write more but I have to get this girl to school.  Be Blessed!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Teddy Bear Baby Blanket Update.

Teddy Bear Baby Blanket by Barbara Breiter 
Well I thought that I was going to have this project pretty much completed, but due to everything that has been going on throughout this past week and weekend I'm far from complete. With that said, I'm satisfied that this project is getting completed at all!  The second row of bear motifs are being knitted up right now.

Target Haul!!!

Protective Hair Style Experiment Done Right.

I'm definitely going to do more protective hair styles for this Fall and Winter because my hair is NOT feeling this dry cold weather. Can't wait to share more styles with you!!

Be Blessed!

Target Haul!

Good morning blog readers and happy Monday to you!  This weekend has been a pretty colorful one at that because my poor husband has been battling an unforgiving cold and fever, so that kept me home-bound.  But despite that I found a little bit of time to get myself to target to pick up some medication for the husband and some fun stuff for myself.  And did you know that Target now has beauty consultant type women that will make rounds around the beauty section to assist the shoppers along with giving the shoppers FREE samples from time to time?  I found the free samples the highlight of my short trip:-)

The Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque,  Bodcology XOXO Body Lotion, and the Garnier Triple Nutrition Conditioners are new to me so I'm going to take time to write about them later on within the week to tell you what I think.

Well the endless task of my household chores are calling me so I must sign off here.  Be Blessed!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

What I'm Knitting NOW.

Teddy Bear Baby Blanket by Barbara Breiter 
Hey ya'll how are you doing?  Here's a picture of my current knitting project that I'm making for my baby blanket stash, because I'm so tired of my stash being empty.  This project will probably take me a total of 12 days to finish IF I work on this ALL the time so we'll have to wait and see just how long it will take me to finish this particular project.
I have used this twice before sometime last year and decided back then that I was going to keep this pattern in my stash because it's so easy to work with.
Well I gotta get going so be blessed and I'll be back later!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Spiral Baby Blanket #2 Is Complete!!!

I wasn't too happy with the lighting so I'm going to do another photo shoot sometime either tomorrow or Later on on Sunday afternoon.

Be Blessed!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Another Glimpse From Yesterdays' Shoot.

Hey there readers:-)  After posting a few pictures from yesterdays shoot in my previous post I wanted to go ahead and share a few more.

My girls were too excited to join in on the fun:-D

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that you enjoyed my quick show and tell.

Be Blessed!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Attempt at a head wrap. Feeling Like A Lovely African Princess!

I look so much like my Grandma here!!

Good afternoon readers!  Well I wasn't planning on doing a mini photo shoot today, but I became inspired earlier this afternoon after watching a head wrap tutorial.  So here are a few photos from today's shoot.

Can you believe that I used a QUEEN SIZE SHEET to get this look?!!  I definitely wouldn't wear this head wrap out all day due to the weight, but it sure came out cute in this picture:-)

Be blessed!!

Pet Post Of The Day. We love you Aries!!

My pet post of the day is dedicated to our smallest guy in our home named Aries:-)  He's a lovely ball python that we all love and cherish.  I don't post much about our pets but I'm going to start doing so now because I believe that talking about them on my blog will be pretty fun.

Be Blessed!

Crocheting Updates!!

Well hello again!  I just wanted to write a post to share my updates with two crocheting projects that I'm working on.  One project is for my CROCHET ALONG #2, while my other project is just for fun.

Now this project is a granny square sampler that I'm currently working on.  It's going to take some time before this project is completely done but I determined to stay patient to get it done correctly.

This is a spiral baby blanket that I found of  I found this pattern months back and I told myself that I would forever keep this pattern in my stash because I like it that much.  The pattern is available on ravelry for free.

Spiral Baby Blanket by Amber of Cthulhu Crochet 
Well I'm hungry so I am going to sign off here.  Be blessed!!

Happy November!!! Hair Blog Of The Day.

Good morning readers how are you doing?  After a pleasantly long weekend I'm doing well and I'm also pretty excited to share a couple of pictures with you from this past weekend.  But before I do that I'm very happy to say that I am now in my 39th day of my Castor Oil Challenge, and I couldn't be any more pleased with myself because I honestly didn't think that I was going to get this far within my challenge.   So with that said I want to share a picture from yesterday that shows me wearing my hair in a stretched flat twist out.

So how did I get this stretched look?  Well I decided to dry my hair on medium heat first and then instal my flat twist after.  That method worked very VERY well for me because by the end of the day the shrinkage that I had was very minimal and it helped cut down my my single strand knots.  Why did I use the medium heat instead of the cooler air when blow drying my hair?  Using the warmer air instead of the cooler air was more convenient because the warmer hair dried my hair a lot faster.  Will I be blow drying my hair on a weekely basis?  I most likely will.  

The products that I used to style my hair was the Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner and Castor Oil.  Those two items are my staple products for when it comes to moisturizing, sealing and styling my hair because my hair has been showing me that it loves the new change.

Well I don't want to make this too long but I did want to take the time to give you a little bit of an update on what's going on with my hair.  For more info please go ahead and be sure to check out my youtube videos as well.

Be Blesed!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Flat Twist Out Experiment Results!!!

Happy Monday to all who read this!!  I'm so blessed and thankful to say that my SECOND flat twist attempt was a great success for me, and if you want to see how I styled my hair then please refer to the previous post with the how to video below.

The three main products that I used to make this flat twist out a success were the Heritage Store The Palma Christi Castor Oil, spray bottle with water and my Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner.  I didn't use any of my Eco Styler Gel but being that my hair is still holding the style a few hours after taking my hair down,  I can see using the gel wasn't all that necessary.  My next goal is to teach myself how to do the flat twist on the back of my hair because that's still a little tricky for me.

Anyhoo I just wanted to write this very quickly to share my hair progress with you.  Oh!  And I've recently grown to LOVE using the Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner on my hair daily now because my hair is less dry that what it usually is now and I know that it's due to me applying the leave in daily.   I don't necessarily apply the leave in all over my hair EVERYDAY, but I'll take special care to look for my troubled spots (especially dry brittle areas of my hair towards the center of my head) and apply it there.

Well the daily chores of motherhood are calling so I must sign off here.  Have a blessed day!! .

Flat Twist Experiment On My 4C Hair Part 2

Flat Twist Experiment On My 4C Hair Part 1 .

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Twist Out With Castor Oil And Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner E...

My Twist Out Remix On My Natural Hair Time To Dust My Ends

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups:-)

Homemade Peanut Butter Cup!!

 They were DELICIOUS and the family LOVED them!  Even my husband enjoyed one and he isn't a big fan of chocolate:-)
Thank you pinterest!!!!

Hair Of The Day:-)

 A lovely twist out that I did with castor oil and Shea Moisture Conditioner.
Well hello there and happy Saturday to you!  I just wanted to share these pictures with you because this was the very first time that I actually attempted to do a twist out with the Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner and Castor Oil.  Now I'm not going to try to sit here and lie to you so let me be real honest here.  I, in no way shape or form, was expecting my hair to hold the style as well as it did mainly due to the fact that I decided NOT add gel into my hair regiment this week.  But despite the absence of the Eco Styling Gel my twist out looked great all throughout the day without me having to revive it in any way, so I think that it's safe to say that I will be styling my twist outs with Castor Oil and leave in conditioner more often.

Well I don't want to keep you too long but I did want to take the time to write something rather quickly just to give you an update on what I'm doing with my kinky curly hair:-)  Be blessed!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

FroHawk FAIL and SUCCESS On My Naturally Kinky Hair!!!

My Hair For The Day: FroHawk FAIL/SUCCESS!!!

Good morning readers!  I'm excited to share my hair of the day with you because I really didn't think that this experiment of mine was going to come out well at all.  It all started out with me wanting to do a frohawk for the day but when that turned into a huge FAIL I decided to turn my disaster into something beautifully RIGHT.  I'll have the video of this hair adventure up on my blog soon enough so please stay tuned, and if you haven't subscribed to my youtube channel yet please be sure to do so!!

Be Blessed!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rocking My Puff For The Very First Time!!

Hey there how are you doing today?  Well I just wanted to take a few seconds out of the day to share hairstyle that's new to me!  I never thought that I could make the puff work for me but I proved myself wrong once again and I couldn't be any happier with the results.  I used water, castor oil, two ouchless head bands, a comb and the curl enhancing smoothie:-)  CUTE!!!!

Be Blessed!!!

I'm Attempting A Puff For The Very First Time!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

How I Style My Twist Out.

My Granny Square Sampler Afghan In The Making!

I'm not using a written pattern but I'm just crocheting what feels right to me.  I'm exciting to share my progess with you!!
What yarn am I using? Lionbrand Pound of Love
Crochet hook size: F

My Castor Oil Challenge update!!

This picture was taken the day before this blog post:-)

Well hello there!  I'm very blessed to announce that I am now in my 25th day of my two month Castor Oil Challenge, so if you haven't joined me yet it's still not too late.  This challenge will be ending November 27, 2013 which happens to be the day before Thanksgiving.  If I've learned anything about myself, when it comes to my hair, is that I'm becoming more and more comfortable with my hair being in an afro like state which is super fun for me.  I'm one that usually tries to stretch out my hair every chance that I can get to get more length but I'm starting to move away from that.  Well I don't want to make this too long but I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on with this hair of mine.  Be blessed!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My slouchie Hat!!

My Slouchie.

Chain 63.
Row1) dc in third chain from hook and all the way across,ch2 and turn (61 dc).

Row2) Fpdc in first dc, *bpdc in next dc, fpdc in the next dc* repeat from * all the way across, ch2 and turn.

Row3) Bpdc in first dc, *fpdc in the next dc, bpdc in the next dc* repeat from * all the way across, ch 2 turn.

Row4) Repeat row #2

Row5) Dc across, ch2 and turn.

Row6) Dc in first dc, *sc in next st, dc in next st, repeat from * across, ch 1 and turn,

Row7) Sc in first dc,* dc in sc, sc in next dc* repeat from *across ch2 and turn,

Row8) Repeat row #5

Row9) Repeat row #5

Row10) Repeat row #5

 Rows ll and on repeat rows 6 -10 to form pattern.  End project after you complete row #23 then bind off.

Check this out to get an idea on how I sewed my hat together:

Pick the side of your work that's going to be side A and fold it into itself that way side A is facing itself within the fold.   Whip stitch from the brim of the hat( your fpdc and bpdc rows) up to the very top.
I'll post pictures and a video of  my finished product so you may see what I did.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Castor Oil Challenge Update!!!

So I know that I'm way past my 8th day on my challenge but I didn't get the opportunity to post my pic but here it is!  I'm currently on my 19th day and I'm still happy with how my hair is doing now.  Ever since starting this challenge I've come to notice that my hair is feeling a lot stronger, and I'm experiencing less breakage than before, so I know that the castor oil is working it's wonders.  If you still want to join me on this challenge it's not too late because the challenge will not end until the end of November so get started!!